
What You Should Do When You Reach 90 WoW ?

What to do when you reach 90 wow ? Now that you have hit level 90, the question is what next, since there are so many folks asking or wondering what should be on their plate first?  Especially if you are in a raiding guild the below should put you on the right path to being raid ready. Remember there are barriers to entry for heroics and raids with in-game gear requirements and wow gold. So maximizing your time is of the utmost importance.

Once you have reached maximum level 90 in Mists of Pandaria , there are a number of things that you can do to pass the time. A few are listed below:

1. Raid! Raiding will bring you even better gear, and a ton of money. This is best when in a guild raid, otherwise you will have to put up with the chaos of a P.U.G. If you are not friendly with all the factions, get there and get the tabards to get raise reputation while running level 85 dungeons and heroics.Therazane rep should be high on your priority for the epic shoulder enchants for world of warcraft gold .After that get your helm glyph, identify your main and offspec needs, and go after your main spec first

2. Guild Leveling and Achievements. You want to get some of the achievements as they provide some great benefits like new cooking recipes, guild herald, etc.Psynister from Psynister's Notebook posted up a great article detailing out guild leveling.  Make sure to keep hitting that daily experience cap in game for guild leveling in order to get all the goodies in the least amount of time possible.

3. Work on your professions. You should level professions and some professions you need to pick and choose which recipes you get and when.If that is the case focus on the recipes that will help you succeed.Coordinate with other guildies with similar professions for example,if there are two jewelcrafters, one of you should go for spell casting gems, the other go for melee/tank gems,since most of the gems need to be purchased with a new jewelcrafting token you get from dailies.

In fact,when you reach 90 wow ,there are a lot of things to do. Like the above ways are the most interesting part to enjoy the game even reached level cap. Of course its only a visual perk, but in all honesty, being raid ready and ready to help your guild be raid ready are important by following the above items, you are doing just that. For more information about wow guides or buy Wow bot, you can refer to http://www.999bot.com .

